Exam 70-270 is one of the Microsoft certification examinations and the name of the examination is Windows XP
Professional. This certification is designed for the candidates who wish to gain knowledge and skills in the ability to solve the end user incident
request by troubleshooting as well as configuring windows XP operating system. This examination is one of the examinations for certifying MCDST
certification. Exam 70-271 is the other examination for certifying with MCDST.
Prerequisites for this examination:
For writing this exam, there are no specific prerequisites required for the candidates but it is recommended to have some basic knowledge about the Windows
XP operating system like Windows XP home edition, XP professionals that include with Microsoft office tools as well as Microsoft outlook express.
How to practice for the exam?
Candidates can practice for this exam by reading the following sections and they are:
1) Installation process of windows XP professionals on your computer
2) Configuration of internet connection firewall components (ICF)
3) Configuration as well as testing several TCP/ IP by using commands such as PATCHPING, PING and TRACERT.
Exam objectives:
The following are the examination objectives of 70-270 and free Microsoft questionsthey are:
1) Configuring application security
2) Solving issues that is related with usability
3) Troubleshooting as well as configuring applications
4) Solving issues related with customizing applications
5) Troubleshooting as well as configuration connectivity for the applications.
Job roles and other details of the exam:
After successful completion of this examination, candidates can get several job opportunities for several positions in the top companies. Some of the job
roles include: PC support specialists, technical support specialists, customer support representatives etc. The exam comprises of 50 multiple choices, drag-
drop, built a tree, reorder type questions. Time duration is approximately 90 minutes and the minimum score to pass in this examination is 700 out of 1000
Answer sample questions. The CompTIA also provides a number of sample questions for each certification exam it
offers. After filling out a form on the CompTIA website, you will have Enroll in a CompTIA Learning Alliance training center. There are numerous CompTIA
Learning Alliance training centers across the United States. Go to the CompTIA website for a list of approved training centers in your area. Such training
centers provide the best Security certification exam preparation available.