Have you ever had that doomed feeling while watching the television screen endlessly, that it somehow killing us quietly? Every press of the remote control, every desultory channel change, the hours fading away, what exactly are we doing here? We are a nation hypnotized by the allure of television, and the first to be ensnared are children. So what better medium than to provide educative games, puzzles and education-based shows through that ubiquitous pied-piper – the television screen? After all, with more than 400 plus channels offering all kinds of content, TV is easily the most accessible, widespread mode of mass communication.
Ironically, since the coming of TV into every household, it has been blamed for a student’s weak performance at school, but now things are turning the other way round. These TV programs, a part of what is called Instructional Television (ITV), are in a brief format, considering the short attention span of the little ones. These programs are usually 15 minutes long, and is integrated keeping in mind a fun, classroom-like setting. These shows usually have an endearing, entertaining host, either a child, or a seasoned performer who can turn (ideally) learning into play.
Television, as research has shown, induces various effects in behavior, the prominent of which includes simulation, arousal and encouragement to certain human expressions. For instance, a dance show often causes children to follow the steps, especially when there is a group performing the same on the screen. Now, there is an ample amount of programs that thus help enhance basic skills like writing, reading, listening and speaking. Some of the effects of such literacy-based television programs have been easier learning of words and also of certain cultural trends as to how people of a certain country behave. Television has a strong effect on perceptions and that is why it can only grow into a more powerful learning medium.
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