SEO article writing as a functional art form caters to the needs of two different groups. One would be that of the clients who outsource article writing and other would be the demands of the online readers of such articles. Hence such SEO articles are to be well written and catchy to ensure that it captures the attention of the readers to spend more time with the article.
The best tip to follow when researching the niche for your new website is the search tactic. Search for information on your niche using search phrases rather than keywords. This is how the Internet user will search for your content.
It is vitally important, then, that your website shows up on the first page of any search engine result. And the closer you are to the number one spot, the better because if anyone finds what they are looking for in the number one spot, then they have no reason whatsoever to look at any other search result.
Another technique used by search engines is to identify websites that have several or many inbound links from other websites with good reputations. So if your site has 50 other websites linking to it, then it would be more popular than another site with only 20 linking to it.
When you visit these sites, you will be able to see that you can purchase links to PR 7 sites for approximately $175. This type of link will probably last four weeks, and then you would be invited to renew your purchase. You probably would not need to renew, as I will show you ways to achieve high page ranking and high search engine rankings too.
Search engines like to read unique and rich content. Such a content gets higher ranking hence it is important to submit original articles and should not be plagiarized. Duplicated or plagiarized articles are not accepted by directories. Good writing tactics lay stress on writing unique content and this is crucial for success of article marketing strategy.
While blogging distinctly outscores articles on the grounds of freshness and timeliness, it fares poor in terms of exposure enjoyed by blogs in comparison with articles online. Unless a blog is already popular, the chances are always brighter for your articles to be seen and read by people in all likelihood.
With time you will establish yourself as an expert author and others will seek your articles for their sites. You can expect to see your published and syndicated articles pointing towards your site when you check your backlinks.
A similar article was in the New York Times and did bring up a good argument, in that if Google is trying to better the experience for the Internet User then they are going to have to make judgment calls on the rankings of some websites, which is indeed a reality.
It is important that your writing style and wording meet the desires of your readers. The result will be loyal, happy readers who come to you when they need products or services to solve their most compelling issues.