1. What is the type of MCSE 2003: Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network
70-297 is the traditional question based exam. And there are no simulations, case study based exam.
2. How many questions are there in Server 2003 exam 70-297?
46questions .They contain 6 situations and each situation 20-25 min 5-9 questions. After completing situation you cannot back to list or change something.
3. What is the best method to do the questions for the case study? Is it easier to read the entire Case study then do the Questions or read the question then
try to skim across the Case only for the information required?
Generally speaking, you get a little extra time for each case study as mentioned in the bracket, which varies from 6 – 9 minutes depending on the difficulty
of the case studies
Once you complete the case study and move onto the next case study or if the timer expires for the case study you cannot go back and change the answers for
that case study
Each case study consist of various tabs like background, network infrastructure, active directory, architecture which in turn has other tabs which provide
information about the relevant areas of the organization in the case study .Most case studies were based on migrating from NT domains to windows 2003
directory structure, basic wins DNS, global catalog and site planning and placement Forest and domain structure for an organization.
4. What is the total mark or what is the passing score for 70-297? Generally speaking, we need at least 700 scores to pass MCSE Exams.And the maximum score is 1000 .however there have been a few people on various forums who have said that they’ve scored over 1000.To
be sure, you should get 70% of the maximum score. And the Microsoft said that the maximum score on the exams would vary depending on the complexity of the
skills being measured.
5. How much time will you have to complete MCSE 70-297 exam?
Generally speaking, the duration of 70-297 exams is approximately 120 minutes. But please remember that the time varies from one exam to another, but it will
not exceed four hours under normal circumstances. In addition to answering the exam questions, you will have time to review instructions and provide comments
after the exam is completed. To request the duration of your exam, contact Prometric, the Microsoft Learning test provider; however, because Microsoft
reserves the right to change the CompTIA content and time at any time.