Just like all human couples do, animal couples too have ups and downs. Although they don't seem to be so dedicated to each others' love like people do, they still appreciate love. They like to cuddle, talk to each other, kiss & hug, tease each other etc.
If what I'm saying is too confusing for you, I'll ask you to keep on reading and learn more about animal couples and what makes them so similar to humans...
There are animals who kiss goodbye - Praire dogs are such animals. Apart from kissing they also love to cuddle and show the affection they have for each other in public. Yep it's true, prairie dogs are very sociable rodents.
There are animals who love to talk things out – Parrots, once they learn to talk, it's hard to stop them. They like to talk to anyone about anything, including “important parrot” matters with their partners.
There are animals who love to agree and disagree – Well, it seems like parrots are not the only one who are fond of talking. Husky dogs Mishka and Laika also know how to use the power of speech to settle “love quarrels.”
There are animals who love to tease and to be teased – Even when they are very little, cats know the power of teasing. Although they are loners by nature, cats simply enjoy both to tease and to be teased.
There are animals who love to hug - Racoons, they enjoy hugging each other! They haven't read anywhere about the positive effects of hugging they just feel like doing it! It's time for a hug everyone! (even if you're not a Racoon).
There are animals who love spooning - Lions for example, are not only the kings of the jungle but also the kings of spooning. They sure know what's good, right?
We haven't heard so far that animals can be lawfully married with an animal of their own kind or some other kind, but if we find out such thing, we'll let you know.
So, there you are, we have proved with videos and pictures that some animals sometimes act like humans do. If you have some more pictures or videos to share with us, please do that in the comments below.
For more fun stuff related to animals couples or animals in general go to Jokeroo.