The Windows 7, Configuring or Exam 70-680 is available for the individuals:with minimum of One or more years experience in IT field; and with experience in implementation and administration of MCTS Certification Operating System [Any experience in Windows 7 will make lots of difference] in a Network environment.
The following skills of an individual are tested in Exam 70-680:
Installation, Upgradation and Migration to Windows 7 [this topic weighs 14% of examination]
Configuration of Recovery and Back-up Options [weighs 11%]
Successfully clearing the examination, will give an Individual, MCTS or Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist Certification in Windows 7, Configuring and
moves that individual a step further towards MCITP or Microsoft Certified IT Professional. As stated above, the individual has got 3 choices in the MCITP
examinations to become Enterprise Administrator, Enterprise Desktop Administrator 7 and Enterprise Desktop Support Technician 7.
Topics covered in MCTS or Exam 70-680:
This Exam 70-680 measures individuals ability to accomplish Technical tasks.
1. Installation, Upgradation and Migration to Windows 7:
This topic carries 14% weightage in the examination. This topic includes performing a clean Installation, Upgradation to Windows 7 Exam from other older versions of Windows and Migration of User Profiles. Ability to identify Hardware requirements and knowledge
about methods of installation are required and experience in working with dual boot setup, actual Installations and upgrades are preferable. With reference
to User Profiles, knowledge of Migration of one User Profile from one machine to another and Migration from older versions of Windows are preferable and the
methods of migration shall also cover ‘side by side’ and ‘wipe and load’.
2. Deployment of Windows 7:
This topic weighs 13% of the examination. It covers Capturing / Creating a System Image, Preparation of the image for deployment, Actual deployment and
Configuration of Virtual Hard Disk or VHD. With reference to capturing image the following topics are also covered: Preparation of system, Capturing image
itself through Windows Imaging Format or WIM. Preparation of a System Image for deployment includes insertion of application, driver and direct updation into
the image and configuration of tasks to run after deployment.
3. Configuration of Windows 7 Hardware and Applications:
This topic weighs 14% of the examination.This topic covers Ability in configuring devices and Internet Explorer,Ability in configuring application
compatibility and restrictions, how to update, disable, and uninstall device drivers and signed drivers, Ability in troubleshooting conflicts between drivers
and configure the driver’s settings and familiarity with configuring Internet Explorer.The topic configuring Internet Explorer includes all Internet Explorer settings and configuration of Compatibility view; Add-ons; CCNA certificationInPrivate mode; Security settings; Providers; and certificates for secure web sites. Also the familiarity with application restrictions similar to the requirements for Internet Explorer along with ability to set software restriction policies and ability to set up control policies through group policies or local security policies is preferable.