So, interested in becoming a chicken owner, raising them and taking advantage of the products they have to offer? You can start by purchasing some baby chickens from a regular pet store.
In the beginning, you can keep them in your house and watch them how they move around, chirping and making a mess. Eventually, they’ll outgrow their current environment, and you will need a new space to put them in. That space should be a real chicken coop, which you need to build or buy.
The problem here is that you probably got a backyard that looks great, landscaped and carefully maintained. A chicken coop will probably make your backyard look worse, destroying its aesthetics. Since chickens continue to grow for some time, those small birds will eventually need an outdoor chicken coop, moving out of the house. As attached as you will be of these chickens, you will have a hard time giving them up. The answer to this problem is fairly simple, a chicken coop that is moveable.
Moveable Chicken Coop
This type of chicken coop that is moveable is actually on wheels, so it can be moved, just as it sounds. While a chicken breeder that is hardcore will probably not use it, as they make chicken coops capable of holding hundreds of chickens that lay plenty of eggs, I like a moveable chicken coop, to use during times when hurricanes show up.
The idea of the moveable coop came during a storm which came to my town, when my dad had to move the chicken coop in another area of the courtyard, so he could clean the mess. A regular chicken coop couldn’t be moved, so he had the idea of putting wheels on it, so he could do it when he needed to. Since he had success with this idea, all the chicken coops we made after that had these wheels on them.
Perks of moveable chicken coops
When you have a chicken coop that is moveable, you no longer have a yard that is permanently occupied. For example, you can move chicken coops near the porch during the winter, so it’s easier to get to them. When it’s cold outside, you will spend less time cleaning and feeding the birds. Whatever you want to do in your courtyard, if you need space in a certain area, you can move the chicken coops and free the space.
Another example would be a hurricane, when you can move chicken coops into the garage, making sure they’re protected.