A game of thrones, the highly popular television series, is an adaptation of a book series written by the American screenwriter and author George R R Martin. The book is the first in the series of books, titled ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’. The books belong to the genre of epic fantasy which has been enjoying a huge stream of popularity since long.
The book starts with Lord Eddard Stark being conferred the title of the office of the Hand by King Robert. Though he understands the huge amount of power the office comes with, he feels himself to be stifled with the responsibilities. The powers lead to treacherous circumstances when his family spilts and there is widespread chaos and treachery in the court. TThere is another deghtful sub-plot as well where a mad and vengeful boy who was once deposed by King Robert has now matured. He seeks the Iron Throne and this leads him to King Eddard who must face the wrath.
The epic fantasy genre is largely defined by the standards set by a single man, J.R.R.Tolkien. His epic series of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ has set the benchmark by which other writers judge themselves. But if there is anyone who comes even remotely close to him is George R.R. Martin. The world which he creates in The Game of Thrones is magnificent and proper amount of detailed have been laid out for the reader to indulge in the book without getting confused.
The greatest achievement here is the execution of the story which was borne in Martin’s mind. Many writers think of extraordinary plots but are unable to execute it properly. Worse still, even if they are able to pen it down, the final outcome is a poor imitation of what the writer had imagined in the depths of his mind. But Martin has been able to surpass all of that and come up with a series of books which will be as good as, if not better than, Tolkien’s LOTR. There has been much talk about the big-screen adaptation as well, but for right now, fans of the book would do well to read the series of books over and over again. The intricate plot demands careful and repeated consideration for complete gratification. You can find the book at the following link.