220-701 examination is also known as CompTIA A certification essential practice examination. This examination is
the foremost examination to certify with A certification. 220-701 (A essential exam) is designed for the candidates who are interested in gaining knowledge
about necessary competencies for entry level professionals in information technology background. From this A essential certification, candidates can gain
knowledge in ability to configure, install, support computers, optimize, diagnose and perform the preventative maintenance in a particular field or in an
organization. In order to certify with A certification, it is necessary to complete both examination such as exam 220-701 as well as exam 220-702. For
computer support technician professionals, CompTIA A certification can be said as an industry standard. CompTIA A essential certification has got excellent
communication skills as well as customer service to handle with clients.
How 220-701 examination works best to the professionals?
Professionals who are in entry level in the information technology background can select this certification program in order to have good career growth. By
passing exam 220-701 as well as exam 220-702 can gain this certification and they can even get placed in top most multinational companies with designations
such as field technician, enterprise technicians, desktop technicians, PC support specialists and A certification
IT technicians etc.
Topic outlines for exam 220-701:
In order to start with the practice sessions for this examination, it is recommended to know about the examination details such as topic outlines, reputed
training institutes etc. The following are the topic outlines for 220-701 examination and they are:
1) Security
2) Hardware
3) Operating system
4) Networking
Other details:
Candidates should attend this 220-701 examination in Pearson VUE center and hence, registration process can be done in any of the Pearson VUE centers.
Pearson VUE has got its centers in all over the world and they can easily find their nearby center through Pearson website. Registration is also possible
online through Pearson website by paying the exam fee. Scheduling for 220-701 can be done according to free IT
certification test questionscandidate's convenience after paying the exam fee of 250$. Exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions with approximately
120 minutes of time duration. Minimum passing score is 675 in 100-900 scale basis.