In every community there are people that extend their time and effort in various projects that will enhance the lives of those less privileged in the community or will also extend themselves in community development. Many large corporate companies offer sponsorship to community workers, and in addition also offer appreciation and recognition for their efforts. Many community members get involved in projects for the greater good of the community, and in turn companies that sponsor such people also provide awards such as plaques or other such incentives. Showing appreciation with an award, gives such workers motivation to continue working for the community.
Awards hold far more value than money, as it is far more difficult to achieve an award than it is to earn a salary check each month. However, companies should have a good reward system in place, no matter if you have a large number of employees or only a few employees, it is crucial to have a reward system, to keep your staff satisfied and happy. Companies usually experience a low productivity rate and a major staff turnover when they do not offer rewards. Employee awards and staff awards is what motivates and keeps staff happy.
A corporate company should implement a winning awards system, which rewards staff members individually as well as corporately. Before implementing a rewards system, one needs to identify staff behaviours that are important to the business. Firstly you need to identify what type of behaviour is important to the company and to you. Then establish what you will be rewarding your staff for. Establish what behaviours and actions the company wants to reward. There are the first and foremost crucial steps to take.
When advising your workers make sure you communicate clearly to them what behaviour and actions you expect of them, and that these will be compensated and awarded. Then you need to establish good benefit and compensation plans, as this will determine your employee’s level of satisfaction. Make sure the reward and benefits offered do not surpass your competitors, as you may lose staff. People searching for employment always make note of the benefits and compensation a company offers first.
Make sure when advertising for staff, you are able to match or even better the benefit levels of your competitors, so that you will attract and retain the top workers. Deserving employees should be shown appreciation and also be given recognition for their hard work and achievements. The most common way of showing gratitude to an employee, is to give them an award plaque or trophy. Recognition should always be done immediately and also in front of other staff members, which in turn will spur the other staff members on.