Presenting an employee with a plaque is a great way to reward employees for performance outcomes. There are employee reward programs that are specifically designed and tailored to a client’s needs. Some of the key features may include authorized officers securing online reward allocations, secure redemption online of rewards by employees and secure and streamlined management.
Trophies and plaques are cost effective as you pay a wholesale price which affords you a saving of around 15 to 20 percent. In addition rewards for employees are paid for on redemption and not allocation and also improves controls and reduces HR admin costs. When ordering online the trophy is branded and tailored to the client’s specifications. Notification can also be sent electronically to the employee or can be hand delivered to the presentation.
Rewards can be structured whereby you have an unlimited redemption period or can be structured with a defined redemption period. You can also opt for regular reports at the cost of the company and you will be assigned to a relationship manager who will have the specs of every aspect of your rewards program. Studies have revealed that cash rewards are outdated, although for industries such as sales, cash rewards are a big incentive. Many business owners offer bonuses as incentives, which are mainly aimed around employees coming up with business ideas and ideas on how to cut manufacturing costs.
Companies have found that such incentives, these programs have paid for themselves thousands of times over in term of revenue enhancement, cost savings and efficiencies. However, further studies showed that non cash rewards were three times more effective when it came to return on investment as opposed to cash incentives. There are several options when it comes to choosing bronze, brass and glass trophy plaques that will boost an employee’s moral and will also help to boost productivity. Awards can be made readily available to employees as a sign of appreciation and thank you for their support and efforts as well as ongoing loyalty.
Awards are individually branded and tailored according to specifications. Businesses that offer rewards, at the same time increase their profile as well as enhance their reputation. Employee rewards enables businesses to demonstrate that they are offering high standards for their staff and are inline or above their competitors.
Companies with reward programs, puts out the message to potential employees, which in turn make it more likely for them to choose your company and stay with the company. There are significant benefits for companies that support their staff and offer rewards of which can be beneficial in that staff feel valued and they are more likely to remain with the company long term.